Christina M. WardLast Chance to Check it OutVocal.Media announces the winners TOMORROWOct 14, 2022Oct 14, 2022
InScribebyChristina M. WardLest We See, a Poem for Biodiversity LostScribe Writing Prompt: A Poem for Wildlife PopulationsOct 23, 202211Oct 23, 202211
InBlue InsightsbyChristina M. WardA Free Verse Poem entitled ‘Delete’a free verse poem by Christina M.WardJan 12, 20225Jan 12, 20225
InFiddleheads & FlossbyChristina M. Ward20 Years Free: A spoken Word PoemTrigger warning: domestic abuseApr 12, 20222Apr 12, 20222
InThe LarkbyChristina M. WardIf My Heart Were A Suitcase I’d Write This PoemInspired by a fellow Medium writer’s poemMay 8, 20223May 8, 20223
InPolitically SpeakingbyChristina M. WardOne Million Soulsa poem to honor the milestone, and remember the lostMay 12, 20225May 12, 20225
InSky CollectionbyChristina M. WardEnlightenment of July 4th in a Post-Roe Americaa poem prompt responseJul 5, 20223Jul 5, 20223
InFiddleheads & FlossbyChristina M. WardLet Hope Drip Herea free verse poemFeb 17, 20203Feb 17, 20203
InFiddleheads & FlossbyChristina M. WardPaper Moon LullabyA free verse poem inspired by the writings of Adam DuritzMay 7, 20223May 7, 20223
InFiddleheads & FlossbyChristina M. WardA Twittle a Twattle, Three Ships and a BottleMy first Twittle…here we go…May 8, 20224May 8, 20224
InFiddleheads & FlossbyChristina M. WardLadder-back Chairsa free verse poemAug 21, 20191Aug 21, 20191
InFiddleheads & FlossbyChristina M. WardThe Vantage Point of Starsand poem on climate change and the starsNov 25, 20193Nov 25, 20193
InFiddleheads & FlossbyChristina M. WardThe Nonchalance of Starsa Tritriplicata poemJul 12, 20203Jul 12, 20203
InFiddleheads & FlossbyChristina M. WardI may Never Bea free verse poem on the truth of thingsMay 12, 20206May 12, 20206
InFiddleheads & FlossbyChristina M. WardI, An Ant Hill — a free verse poemit is all about perspectiveJul 25, 20192Jul 25, 20192
InFiddleheads & FlossbyChristina M. WardThe Last of Their KindWhere will you be when they die?Sep 1, 20204Sep 1, 20204
InFiddleheads & FlossbyChristina M. WardSongs of the Gnome-Folka tale of hope and perseveranceSep 3, 20192Sep 3, 20192